


  • Owned by Evan Speigel and Bobby Murphy
  • Started on September 16, 2011, but was not introduced to public until May of 2012


  • Make money purely off of advertisements (geo filters, discover page)

Some examples:

Sponsored Geofilter:

Coca-Cola: Classic Christmas Card

2.3 million usesĀ ; 70 Million views


Sponsored Lense: these have been becoming more and more popular

Kraft: revealing their new recipe

This ad had over 40 million plays and was viewed by over 28 million views


Snap Ads: advertisers are specifically designing mini commercial ads for snapchat

  • can add attachments to the adds
    • articles
    • ability to download an app with the swipe of your finger
    • a longer form of the advertisement
    • link to the company’s website

Originally, Snapchat made you pay for these Geofilters; this business mistake lead to what is now their successful business plan.

Snapchat has turned down multiple offers to be bought by Facebook, most recently a $3 billion offer.


  • Pictures last forever
  • Extremely dangerous; especially for young kids which make up a majority of Snapchat users
    • sexting scandals
    • where you are

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  • Companies are paying individuals with a following to promote their products
  • sometimes difficult to “track”
  • Some examples
    • Showing how they use a product
    • taking a picture of the product
    • talking about the service or product Snapchat-Influencer-Jen-From-Head-To-Toe5-600x528.jpeg