

What is Twitter?

Twitter is the place to find out about what’s happening in the world right now. Whether you’re interested in music, sports, politics, news, celebrities, or everyday moments. 

Jack Dorsey CEO

“I had this rich sense of how the metropolis was living and breathing.. but there was one part missing: my friends.”

Dorsey, 17 years old working for a dispatch software company created a program where he implemented on broadcasting to his friends through a database. This program did not succeed, due to his friends not being interested and not having the blackberry.

Bringing up Twitter

Dorsey working for a podcast company, then met 2 co workers who understood his vision. He worked with a good friend/ co worker named Biz Stone where Twitter started to come together. Image result for first tweet ever

Twitter is a utility.

Dick Costolo referred to twitter as “It needs to be water. It’s instantly useful. It’s simple. I don’t have to re-learn how to use water,” he told the audience. “It’s always present.”

3 Reasons why you should be on Twitter!


1.The freedom you have on expressing your ideas!!(Microblogging) 

2. Keeping up with the news on a global aspect. 

3. Finding a Job!

Safety First! 

Remember how easy it is now for ANYONE to access and see what your tweeting!

Covergirl’s James Charles tweets a “joke”

Image result for covergirl james charles racist

It is 2017, and  many people still see Africa as a wide grassland filled with animals and naked people. What many people don’t realize is Africa is more than just ebola or animals or naked people. Africa has one of the fastest growing economies.

3 safety tips to protect your identity on Twitter.

1. Disable Geotagging. (A Feature that shows your location.)

2. Avoid being impersonated. Search for your name frequently!

3. Have a private page. (Least favorite)


Ask Branden Hampton.

Branden Hampton is the largest independent social media publisher in the world. Branden started twitter creating a profile called @notebook, where he tweeted quotes from the popular movie “The Notebook”. 

Image result for @notebook

“It’s the numbers game, the more tweets that you post that resonate beyond your own followers will give you the ability to attract new ones. I don’t have to be myself to manage those pages and own those properties, I have to be whatever the personality is needed to be behind that page.” Branden Hampton.


Twitter is very effective with structuring a foundation for your brand.

Using Twitter as a marketing tool can improve brand metrics (how your reaching your goals.)

Video ads on Twitter improve brand metrics

3 techniques that I PERSONALLY use and think are the most effective.

  • Engage and crowdsource with your followers! They’re following you for a reason right? 
  • Discover a new target audience daily! See what people are talking about. 
  • Brand Recall! Making sure you can get your message everywhere. 


Yes you can make money off Twitter!